The smell of coffee aroma fills my office as I sit here figuring out what to even get started on this morning. Have you ever had that kind of day when you just don’t know where to start? Have you ever looked at the week you have before you and it is already packed with the things to do and overlapping into your weekend? Do you ever get that feeling that you just aren’t going to catch that break time?
I often find myself trying to balance a 10 hour work day, dinner, housework, friendships-family relationships/ and boyfriend time…Let me tell you, it is not always easy. It isn’t always easy to tell a girlfriend who may not have as many things going on in her schedule or that doesn’t work that you can’t make it to her girls night.
Don’t get stuck in the feeling like you’re the energizer bunny that just keeps going, going, and going. Don’t get to the feeling of “Someone pull that Energizer Battery out of me”. Please my friends, don’t be that woman we all sit back and ask, “Why did that girl just get put in the hospital?”… and someone says. She forgot to take a nap.
Here is to prioritizing my chores, work, and living life to its fullest my friends