Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Time to pick up the Pens and Pencils Kids…School Time is Upon Us!

Wow. I can’t believe it is that time again…Time for early morning breakfast, running out to the car with a coffee mug in one and a back pack in the other.
School Time…Earlier Alarm Clocks, Football practice at 7:30am =(.    Then there is the rushing home to get a healthy dinner on the table at a decent time. Boy ol’ Boy…summer is over….

I don’t know about you, but it seems as children start growing into their teens they are more exhausting and harder to keep up with than when they were just 2. This summer has consisted of Drive here, drive there, Get picked up here, Get dropped off there…constantly handing over $$ to my son for Midnight Madness at the Local YMCA, movies, birthday parties…you name it…the list just goes on and on. Usually a trip to the pool was enough now it is trips to Fiesta Texas and the beach with friends. Time flies and it only seems like yesterday when my son was just in 5th grade and now he is a freshman. 

I am finding myself having to revamp my schedule and make sure that I am prepared, because the earlier getting up and the earlier going to bed is going to be adjustment in itself for me as well. I have found myself to not have been very responsible with my own time. Going to bed a little later then I should have over the summer. I guess that just is one of those things that just come along with summer…crazy schedules and breaking all of the rules. 

Well no worries now. I am going to have to just buckle down now and establish all the rules and have a family meeting to make sure we are all on the same page.  I will say this…that as your kids get older they are a lot more demanding of your time and that defiantly becomes much more profound as they hit High School. I also see that as he grows into adulthood that he needs me now more then ever, and I wouldn't have it any other way. 
 Go Cedar Park Timberwolves!

Cedar Park High School Football Schedule  

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