Friday, April 20, 2012

Communication: Why it is so Vital?

Communication, something so needed to keep healthy relationships. Without we would all be a big mess and have a lot of hurt feelings. I know I myself have fallen the victim of mis-communication with my mother. And if we hadn't decided to talk about it, it could have caused a rift that neither one of us wanted to be their. Communication just pays such a vital key in our everyday life that we can't afford to get lazy with. 

What is Communication? It is sharing ideas, thoughts and feelings between people. Even a smile, frown, look of disappointment can communicate with someone. Silence can be away of communication as well. I think that is one of the reasons that I talk with my son and enjoy hearing what song he thinks is cool, or what he wants to do this or that weekend is so that he knows 2 things...1. I am paying attention to what’s going on in your life, and 2. I care! 

Why is Communication so Important on the Family aspect of it all? I believe it to be a way of showing respect for someone else’s needs or wants. It shows that you are interested in what they think and that they are important to you. 

Sometimes we assume that someone else knows how we feel, or we think they should know what we want. Relying on the assumption that someone is on the same page as us is more often the culprit to a lot of family and friendship drama. It can lead to feelings of resentment, loneliness, disappointment, frustration, and just plain old hurt feelings. We have all been there a few times in our lives haven’t we?

When communicating it is also imperative that we are honest and very clear on what we are saying. I am finding myself thinking before speaking. Didn’t John Wayne once say “Talk Low, talk Slow, and Don’t say too much”  I think it is great quote.  I noticed when I slowdown in what I have to say I catch myself rethinking how it needs to come out of my mouth therefore communicating in a healthier manner. 

Another key of communication isn’t just the talking, or a face gesture, It is the mere act of LISTENING, therefore showing respect. Boy how often do we have to talk louder than the other person to get our views or feelings across? I know I have done it maybe once, OK more like twice :)  When you listen to someone else’s views, especially a family member, don’t take for granted that you are already going to know what they are going to say or that you “tune them out” cause you think you already know. Sometimes even a question back and forth to the person you are listening to can be an affirmation and a way of letting them know I do care about the day you had, or how you feel, or Yeah I get it. I got it. 

Communicating is one of those things we can get so wrong, but if we can get it right. It helps a lot of families, friendships, re-gain our close connection. 

Just something that was on my mind this morning after a few conversations or thoughts taken the wrong way. Got me thinking…you know when it is raining outside I can’t help but think and write! Till Next time…Communicate and Listen to the ones you love!

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